
We offer guidance and support on infant management, such as feeding, sleeping, and immunization.

1 Day old Baby

1 Month old Baby

2 Month old Baby

4 Month old Baby

6 Day old Baby

8 Month old Baby

10 Month old Baby

12 Month old Baby

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I feed my newborn baby?

Newborn babies need to be fed every 2 to 4 hours, depending on their hunger cues and weight gain. You can feed your baby breast milk or formula, or a combination of both. Breast milk is the best food for your baby, as it provides all the nutrients and antibodies they need. Formula is a safe alternative if you cannot or choose not to breastfeed. You should not give your baby cow’s milk, honey, or any other food or drink until they are at least 6 months old.

How do I know if my newborn baby is getting enough milk?

You can tell if your baby is getting enough milk by checking their diapers and weight. Your baby should have at least 6 wet diapers and 3 to 4 dirty diapers a day. Your baby should also gain weight steadily, about 5 to 7 ounces per week in the first month. If you are concerned about your baby’s feeding, you can consult your pediatrician or a lactation consultant.

How do I take care of my newborn baby's umbilical cord stump?

Your baby’s umbilical cord stump will fall off on its own, usually within 1 to 2 weeks after birth. You should keep the stump clean and dry, and avoid touching it or pulling on it. You can sponge bathe your baby until the stump falls off, and avoid covering it with diapers or clothing. If you notice any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, or foul odor, you should contact your doctor immediately.

How do I soothe my newborn baby when they cry?

Newborn babies cry for many reasons, such as hunger, thirst, discomfort, pain, boredom, loneliness, or overstimulation. You can try different ways to soothe your baby, such as feeding them, changing their diaper, burping them, rocking them, singing to them, swaddling them, or giving them a pacifier. You should never shake your baby or leave them alone when they cry. If your baby cries excessively or inconsolably, you should check with your doctor to rule out any medical problems.

How do I protect my newborn baby from illnesses and injuries?

Newborn babies have a weak immune system and are vulnerable to infections and injuries. You can protect your baby by following these tips:

– Wash your hands before touching your baby or their belongings.
– Keep your baby away from sick people and crowded places.
– Follow the recommended immunization schedule for your baby.
– Keep your baby’s crib and sleeping area safe and free of clutter.
– Avoid exposing your baby to tobacco smoke or other harmful substances.
– Monitor your baby’s temperature and behavior for any signs of illness.
– Call your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s health.